Extracts from Foreign Investment Act No. 16 of 1990“Foreign investor”An individual who is neither a citizen of a CARICOM member country nor a resident of Trinidad and Tobago. “Land”includes tenements and hereditaments, both corporeal and incorporeal, and every interest therein, but does not include money charged on land, mortgages, charges or debentures to secure money charged on land or any right, title or interest conferring upon the holder thereof for the time being, the right of searching or boring for, or winning oil whether any such right, title or interest is acquired or held in conjunction with or separate from any other right, title or interest in land. “Land for trade or business”A foreign investor may acquire land the area of which does not exceed five acres for the purposes of trade or business without obtaining a license under this Act. “Land for residential use only”A foreign investor may acquire land, the area of which does not exceed one acre for residential purposes without obtaining a licence under this Act. “Land for consular or diplomatic use”A foreign State may acquire land in Trinidad and Tobago for consular or diplomatic purposes only.
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